living a low waste life
Hello, this is my experience on the way to being low waste.
For me, it's not just about physical waste, I think it goes further to wonder how it might stop being toxic to me, to other people, other beings, everything around me...
I've been an artist and I've been tattooing for six years. Since I started discovering this technique, I realized the tremendous amount of disposables I had to use, and although I had already made small changes to living low waste like my diet, the tattoo industry made me more decisive about this and 3 years ago I committed to do whatever was in my hands.
How to stop participating in this vicious cycle?
I knew there were more planet-friendly options, I thought a lot about my grandmother, how my mom grew up and that they had lived without plastic bags surrounding everything they bought. If many of their products were made with natural materials; that only means that the possibility is still there, open to me too, even though the media and major stores make us believe otherwise.
I thought about how this system is built, and the economic and social inequality that exists. Start local, just by turning to your community, share your goods you don't need any more with more people for them to reuse and grow together towards a low waste life.
I became aware of what it means to rethink my lifestyle, redesigning my habits and rejecting all that I don't need.
By reusing and extending the life of objects (in addition to the simple act of sharing, you allow other people to give a second life to things that you no longer need) ... try all the R's you can imagine to have a less disposable life.
Living a low waste life is not only about consumption and waste habits. For me it has been a complex reflection of how I want to live and love other people.
I assure you that it has been a path of much learning, more loving and much lighter. It would be amazing if you dare to explore it too!
Thank you, Carla Escareño