5 easy plastic free swaps, this July

5 easy plastic free swaps, this July

Founded here in Australia, Plastic Free July is a global initiative raising awareness around the environmental damage of single use plastic and to encourage you to make simple lifestyle swaps - to find alternatives to plastic for everyday necessities to minimise our plastic consumption. 

It's estimated that Australians consume 3.5 million tonnes of plastic every year, with each Aussies discarding around 130 kg! Unfortunately, only 12% of waste is recycled, with single use plastics, straws and plastic packaging heartbreakingly leaking into our maritime ecosystem.  

With this huge environmental impact, over the month of July, we urge you to minimise your plastic consumption and go plastic free for cleaner oceans and cleaner communities. 

Here are 5 easy earth-saving ways we can reduce our plastic. 

  1. Take your own shopping bags! This should be the norm by now but too many are still grabbing a 20c bag for convenience. Thankfully it’s the end of the road in Australia as all states have now banned lightweight plastic bags.
  2. Refusing takeaway containers and taking your own reusable coffee cups when on the go. We like to support our local cafes and restaurants and take bowls and mugs from the office/home. 

    And for an extra treat, we use a Good-Edi edible vegan coffee cup for the most-yummy but waste free treat! 

  3. An “emotional support” water bottle is a must! We (and everyone else on TikTok) love Frank Green! Stay hydrated, whilst being Eco and looking cute! 

  4. Implement new and sustainable strategies in the kitchen, bathroom and the rest of your home. Opt for beeswax wraps over plastic wrap, Love Tea loose tea, zero waste deodorant by Frank + Bare and beautiful glass packaged Sisuu natural wellness remedies.  

    Choose refillable cleaning products like Koala Eco or scrap the plastic altogether with eco conscious shampoo & body wash bars from our friends at Ethique.

  5. Shop zero waste beauty like Coco Crayons and Jojoba Eye Pencils, and refillable makeup options like Rice Powder face powders. Available in a world first 100% aluminium compact wheel! 

    Wild Tomato Riche Crème is our first 100% plastic free skincare product - packaged in glass and aluminium too! Read more about Zero-Waste Multitasking Makeup here.


 At Ere Perez, we are continuously making sustainable choices as part of our company’s eco-lution. This month of July, and for every month, we pledge to make sustainable choices as a company and as individual employees. 

By 2024, our range of skincare and makeup will be 
87% plastic free, 50% recyclable, 26% refillable and 24% reusable. For more information on our eco-lution and sustainability goals, read more.