carbon neutral
Since 2016 we have been proudly Carbon Neutral. We are certified by the Carbon Reduction Institute. We are thrilled to have taken another step towards sustainability, because this is one of our core values. We believe that business can be sustainable & ethical. We believe that businesses have a responsibility to limit their impact on their environment as much as possible. We promise that we make decisions to this end every day, and we strive towards our goal of having every aspect of our operations as sustainable as possible. We are making huge strides!

The term ‘carbon neutral’ is used a lot and we want you to know exactly what this means…
Businesses that produce products, or provide services, have an impact in terms of carbon emissions. It can be large, like an airline for example, or small – like a florist that delivers flowers. Even our own lives have an impact in terms of the electricity we use at home, how we travel, the choices we make and what we buy.
Organisations can minimise their impact by measuring, reducing and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. There are several different ways this can be done, such as planting trees. We wanted something that incorporates our Mexican heritage, so we chose a wind power farm in Mexico.
We purchase carbon credits to offset the greenhouse emissions of our operations. These are channelled to a wind energy project in Oaxaca, Mexico. The Oaxaca wind project, part of a group of three projects, generates clean electricity from renewable wind sources using 68 turbines in total. The projects are expected to collectively generate over 1,200,000 MWh per annum – avoiding more than 700,000 tCO2 per annum.

We look forward to updating you with our newest green initiative.
“Beauty products that celebrate nature for today’s conscious consumer are at the heart of what we do. It’s about health for the planet and health for the consumer.”
Ere Perez, Creative Director