how to recycle your beauty empties

how to recycle your beauty empties

Did you know, the personal care and beauty industry produces more than 120 billion units of packaging every year globally?

Beauty products are often made from several different materials that can't be separated including plastic, magnets, glues & metals, making them difficult to recycle and unsuitable for our everyday community kerbside recycling programs, therefore ending up in landfill. 

22% of Ere Perez products are mono elements, like aluminium, glass & plastic, making them easy to separate and recycle and give them another lease of life!

Here is how to responsibly dispose of your empties:

It's all about individual efforts for a healthy planet.

Consume, collect, clean your empties. Once you’ve finished your product, rinse what you can from the pots at home. Containers do not need to be squeaky clean when being placed for recycling, but we recommend removing as much as the product as possible.

We ask for your help to “close the loop” and drop all makeup and skincare empties to your nearest collection point, at a number of accessible locations.

Global packaging recycling programs like TerraCycle, MyGroup, Pact and Handle are funded by brands, manufacturers and retailers around the world, meaning you can easily recycle beauty products by dropping-off your empties at your local collection point!

Where can I drop off my empties?

Many of our amazing retailers offer collection programs, plus a number of selected major retailers too!


United States:

United Kingdom:

Make beauty better. Recycle your empties.

We're on a sustainability journey. We are carbon neutral, our face powders are refillable, our pencils are waste-free and we've made the choice to swap plastic lids & jars for infinitely recyclable aluminium & glass and even let go of some of our favourites to make way for new more eco-friendly beauty solutions. 




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