the australian bush direct to your skin
The indigenous culture of Australia dates back to one of the oldest civilizations in the world, 60,000 plus years in fact. Indigenous cultures are known for their respect of the land and the passing of knowledge from the elders down. With a real understanding of what it means to be on country, from the flora and fauna to the changes of season and cycles of the moon. Age-old beliefs of ‘plants as medicine’ and hunting and gathering for their food source, means we as a modern culture have a lot to learn from our Indigenous forbearers.
The Australian bush is a thriving natural food bowl full of native ingredients, like the Blue Cypress Tree, botanical name Callitris from the Greek word meaning ‘beautiful three’. The Cypress pine is native to Australia and is grown abundantly in open forests generally found in the Northern Territory, Northern Western Australia, Northeast Queensland and Cape York. Further research revealed the medicinal properties of the Blue Cypress tree like the natural analgesic that is derived from the trees fruitful oil-properties that can both calm and hydrate the skin at the same time. The oil is known to relieve aches and pains, reduce inflammation and act as a natural disinfectant, the perfect ingredient to add to the Ere Perez Australian Blue Cypress Face Nectar. Combined with a mixture of jasmine flower, jojoba and cedar wood to revitalize all skin types.

Ere Perez has sourced medicinal herbs and plants from across the globe to create an authentic natural skin care range and more recently started researching an array of plants closer to home. Ere adopted principles she learnt from her families’ garden home in Mexico and later birthed Ere Perez Natural Cosmetics in Australia from a love of traditional medicine. Ere believes that beauty comes naturally and it’s vital to nourish your body from the inside out.

by kylie mitchell-smith