love is in the air
Some days we are tired, under-slept, busy, running late, thinking about a conflict in our lives or work stress, hungry even! Our moods change hourly & daily, and we are all guilty of sometimes letting our personal experience effect those around us. When we’re in a bad mood we don’t smile at the bus driver or say thank you when we order a coffee, we snap on a phone call, unnecessarily beep the horn in traffic, we send a mean email or write a judgmental comment online. In many of these moments, there is an opportunity to think past our own immediate life and think about others.
Giving back is something we can do in a million different ways. We can donate to charity, volunteer or perhaps working in your chosen industry means you are in service to others. We can also give back in small informal ways that make us and those around us feel better:
Thinking about our world, our planet, and all those who share it with us – improves our quality of life and those around us. It’s a new decade and time for us all to connect and create communities we are proud of. It’s up to all of us, even when we’re having a bad day, to try and smile at life – even when it’s giving us lemons!