fun & joy: colour therapy
What we eat, drink, how we exercise, who we spend time with, the work we do, families we were born into and the ones we create, where we live – contributes to how we feel every day.
Even weather can lift or sink our mood! We all know the feeling of a grey day, when its gloomy outside and harder to get out of bed. Or sometimes relationships can make us feel glum. We have a fight with a friend, a partner, or suffer loss in our lives. Or simply – we are too busy or stressed to smile. While there are many ways to help us feel better, COLOUR is a tool that’s always available.
On cold days, when we’re wearing all black, when we’re feeling overwhelmed with life, work or family responsibilities, a dose of colour can make all the difference. Looking in the mirror, rolling on some colour and forcing a smile, even if you’re ‘faking it till you feel it’, can shift your mood.
Some days we feel flustered, frumpy, tired, unwell or just a little ‘blah’. We’ve got happy-themed colour tints for all of these feelings & moments. Bring on colour therapy!
Beetroot Cheek & Lip Tint comes in JOY and FUN, 2 healthy tints you can pop in a purse. It’s pure vibrant colour for every occasion: for when you have kids’ food on your clothes, or unwashed hair, and just want to up your vibe.
For a quick colour fix at home, in the office, in the car before you pick up kids, in the bathroom on your break at work, half-time at an event you’re not loving – we’ve got these little natural pick-me-ups. Roll onto cheeks and lips and blend, for your go-to colour to make you smile. Just try it!
JOY – bright cherry red

FUN – bright fuchsia pink
To learn more about Ere Perez, click here.
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