yoga just may change your life
It sounds like a cliché, but it’s true. We all have things that make us feel better and for millions of people around the world, yoga is one of them. It may seem like the world has gone yoga-mad – there’s a studio on every corner, a plethora of technicolour leggings pounding the pavements and suddenly it seems everyone is carrying a rolled up rubber mat to work – but it’s not just any old fad. Yoga is here to stay.
What was once reserved for only the most spiritually inclined among us has become a mainstream thing. Hallelujah. I will shout the benefits of yoga to all who care to listen, because I simply can’t live without it. Yoga is more than just flashy tights and toned arms, it is a very powerful tool for self-awareness and mindfulness. Yoga strips the mind of negativity and stress, it gives you permission to switch off from the day, the outside world, your life and just go quiet for a while.
Many people will swear by their favourite studio, teacher or pose. Some say it changed their lives, helped them in a crisis or inspires them every week to be happier and healthier. To be a better partner, friend, colleague or parent. That it taught them to take a breath before reacting, to give people the benefit of the doubt and take the pressure off themselves. It opened a doorway to fitness, relaxation and living with more kindness in their hearts.
Finally, if for no other reason than this – yoga is amazing because at the end of the sweating and exertion, you get to lie down in the dark for a few full minutes covered in a blanket. Where else in the world can fully grown adults do that? Every month I take a new friend along to a yoga class with me, just in case they like it, just in case it happens to be the thing that makes all the difference in their lives. It is always the perfect time to try your first class, go to a new class or introduce someone to a beautiful thing they will have forever. You can do yoga poses at home, on your travels and share them with loved ones, young and young at heart. Yoga is for everyone.
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